Young Child Misbehavior

Specialized Therapy in Scottsdale, Arizona

Outbursts, meltdowns, and tantrums have you feeling at a loss.

Young children with behavior problems often are described by their parents as becoming physically aggressive, throwing temper tantrums, being impulsive and hyperactive, and not listening/following directions. Young children with ADHD and/or opposition and defiance problems often engage in problematic behaviors in need of additional parent coaching support. Children who have any of the following challenges benefit from a specific, evidence-based treatment approach:

  • Frequent temper tantrums

  • Defiance - refusing to follow directions

  • Verbal and/or physical aggression

  • Destruction of toys and/or family belongings

  • Backtalk or sassing adults

  • Whining or crying for no apparent reason

  • Constantly seeking attention

  • Hyperactivity

  • Interrupting others

  • Short attention span

  • Difficulty with behaviors at school, preschool, and/or daycare​

imagine if you could:

Create a secure, safe, and strong bond with your child

Help your child engage in more prosocial behaviors (sharing, taking turns, kindness)

Decrease the frequency, severity, and duration of tantrums

Increase compliance with adult (caregiver, family, teacher) requests

Increase your confidence as a caregiver

Achieve these goals using play and fun

We want you to know:

You and your child can learn to enjoy one another again!