Panic Attacks

Specialized Therapy in Scottsdale, Arizona

Intense fear, unpleasant physical sensations, and excessive worry about having future panic attacks.

Kids and teens with panic disorder experience sudden or “out of nowhere” attacks of anxiety that come with intense feelings of dread and highly unpleasant physical symptoms that can sometimes feel like a heart attack. These episodes are called panic attacks and typically last several minutes but can wax and wane throughout the day, making the child feel as if they experienced a panic attack most of the day. Your child may feel as if they are literally dying during the panic attack and typically begin to avoid the situation in which the panic attack occurred. They may fear losing control, others noticing their panic symptoms, embarrassing themselves in front of others, and going “crazy.”

children with panic attacks may

Fear death or losing control

Strongly wanting to escape or leave the situation right away

Avoid going back to the place they experienced a panic attack

Experience a racing heart, chest pains, trouble breathing, dizziness, nausea and sweating

We want you to know:

Panic attacks shouldn’t consume your child’s life.